PMI UK has skilled mentors and enthusiastic mentees who are looking to share knowledge and improve their professional capability

The PMI UK mentoring scheme supports willing mentors and mentees by connecting them to develop their professional skills in project, program, and portfolio management. This is a voluntary scheme that succeeds or fails through the interest, passion and commitment of the mentors and mentees involved.

Please look at the  PMI UK Mentoring Handbook and PMI UK Mentoring Code of Conduct  for guidance on what to look for from the scheme and contact us at for more information

Step 1: Register

  •        To benefit from the programme, individuals must be a member of the UK Chapter. Mentors should be PMP certified. Mentees should be working in a project management   related role.
  •        Register with us [Mentoring registration form]to start the process and tell us (and your future Mentor/Mentee) what you want to gain from the process.
  •        Registering is easy – we need to know what you want from mentoring but most details about you will be in your LinkedIn profile
  •        After registering, we will contact you to get to know your capabilities and objectives and get you started on the mentoring journey
  •        You can change your details (including availability) at any time

Step 2: Matching

  •        After registering, we will match you with an available mentor/mentee according to – objectives/capabilities. We will connect Mentor and Mentee via LinkedIn to suggest potential pairing. We can arrange an individual call if we need to clarify and concerns you have with the pairing or the Mentoring scheme overall.
  •        We arrange a single first phone call to ensure that Mentor and Mentee are compatible in their aims and availability (times and preferred method of communication). See [Mentoring Guide] for guidance.
  •        We recommend that the objectives are captured and shared to help remind you through the mentoring engagement

Step 3: Get Mentoring!

  •        Once connected it’s up to Mentor and Mentee to make the most of the opportunity but we are always available to help. If it isn’t working as you would like it to, talk to us.
  •        We suggest that you “meet” (face to face or by phone) at least once a month.
  •        There’s plenty of information in the [Mentoring Guide]for guidance on how to make the most of the opportunity.

Step 4: Time to Move On

  •       Some mentoring relationships will last for years, others have a finite useful duration. We suggest 6 months as an agreed initial duration. Constantly monitor the value being achieved and when the value stops either change the engagement or end it.
  •       If you decide not to continue, please let us know (and then we know you are looking for a new Mentor/Mentee).
  •       Finish with style – make it a positive act not just fade away and reflect on the positives