Certification exams are co-ordinated by the PMI centrally. They are available online on a daily basis at two locations in the UK and at locations in many other countries. To apply to sit the Certification exam, please either download the application form from the web site, or complete the online application. Full details are available on the PMI website, a good starting point being the Certification page, this includes some example questions. Whichever way you apply, your application should be received at the PMI well before the date you wish to take the exam.

Additionally, examinations are also available at other locations across the UK, on specific dates throughout the year. The difference being that instead of contacting Prometric to arrange your examination date – contact PMI directly to register for the examination. You can now do this at the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Service Centre.
(Phone: +32-2-743 15 73, e-mail: emea-servicecentre@pmi.org)

Whatever your choice, it costs much less if you are a member. If you have any further questions, please contact our Director of Professional Development.